Below is an example of how we would implement the Music Program:

Piano: Intro to the keyboard: identification of notes, circle of the 5th with one hand, C scale note identification. This is a progressive program with four (4) phases.
  • Phase 2: Intro to the circle of 5ths with two hands, muscle memory exercises
  • Phase 3: Intro to sight reading, and intro to all the keys
  • Phase 4: Students will be exposed to guest lecturers, professional musicians and student interns and well as program staff.  One-to-one instruction is prevalent.
  • Other instrument instruction will include: Utilizing similar progression as piano lessons:
  • Saxophone, Trumpet and Flute
  • Violins, Cello, Viola and Guitar, Drums, congas and percussion
  • Training will result in concerts, recitals, local performances at grand openings, etc.
  • Reserved Studio Time: Voice training and Impromptu “Rap” and "Spoken Word" Sessions 
Additional components to the CUMEP include:
  • Guest Lecturers: Musicians, Writer, Producers, Business Owners
  • Field trips: Take the children to see plays, concerts, radio and TV stations, recording studios, TV and radio production
  • Exposure to Music/Media careers: The “Business Side of the Music Industry”
  • Exposure to Foundations and Philanthropic organizations
  • “Buddy System” with corporate partners for monthly contact:: “Community Unity”
  • Solicitation of Corporate Partners to fund project and provide viable “human resource” to foster the development of the program participants.
  • Quality Internships provided to area college students with an emphasis on and an interest in teaching children in an urban environment.  Practical application of theoretical principles at its best.
  • Parent/Student Partnership Agreement: Parent/Primary Caregiver agrees “in writing” to take an active role in the program.  An Orientation element will be introduced along with handouts and a brief video about the program.
  • A thorough Evalaution Assessment is given to each participant as a gauge of his/her progress in the program.